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Frequently Asked Questions

There is really no discount possible?
Not directly. Except, if you provide us with a new new customer who buys premium advertising budget, you get the 50% of their budget for your own campaigns.
Buying cheap. That means that I advertise on low rating websites with low quality traffic?
No. We may buy cheap, but we have our standards. We advertise on all websites and apps that have space available. Some are well know, some not so well known. We just make sure we deliver your message to a lot of people.
Can I get a discount?
No. But if you manage to get a lower price elsewhere, your get running campaign free of charge.
Why is UpStreamAds so cheap? This must be a scam!
We buy ad space at the best possible price. The inventory comes from websites, in-app positions and mobile apps. This allows us to give you the best value for money. This is definately NOT a scam.
The more I buy, the cheaper it gets?
Are custom plans more expensive?
They can be, depending on your needs. Regular campaings are in the price range as mentioned on the website. Very specifically targeted campaings are possible, but will be more expensive.
Are there more plans available than the ones displayed on this website?
Yes. We can customise plans for you. Please contact us for details.
Are ads like Facebook lead ads possible?
Yes. Provide ready made ads for this which can be connected to varuous systems. If necessary we can imoplement new connections to specific systems.
Do I need to pay upfront?
You pay your first campaign upfront. We will send you an invoice for extensions or consecutive campaigns as soon as the extension or new campaign starts.
A company I know wants to advertise too. What's in it for me?
When you bring a new customer to us who buys premium budget, you will get 50% of that budget for your own campaign for free. The same conditions apply to both campaigns.
My campaign is set up. Please start it. Do I get people to my website right away?
We work with external parties who verify the campaign. This can take up to 3 working days to complete. As soon as the campaign is verified, we will start displaying your banners. This usually happens within a couple of hours.
What are the campaign possibilities?
You can run a targetting campaign to get visitors to your website or a retargetting campaign to get visitors you already had on your website. We cannot run a retargetting campaign with first running a targetting campaign. Also, retargetting has an additional cost of 30 cents per 1000 impressions.
It is possible to run A/B campaigns with different banner sets.
Can I pause a campaign?
Yes, but only once per week. Contact us if you need to pause your campaign. A paused campaign will be paused for a maximum of 7 days total, unless agreed otherwise.
Can I run a campaign indefinately?
Yes, but we work per month. So, if you plan to advertise a whole year , you will still be able to cancel your campaign with 1 month notice. No question asked.
Please be aware that this also allows us to cancel a campaign with a 1 month notice. We will however inform you on the reason why. In extreme cases we hold the option to cancel a campaign immediately - for example due to legal reasons or obligations.
If I buy 100,000 impressions, do I really get 100,000 impressions?
Yes. We make sure we reach that number by adding 5 to 10 percent to the impressions we promise. In case we do not meet the number of impressions on a given day for any reason, we will compensate this on the remaining days.
What are the targetting posibilities?
The default targeting options included in the plans as shown are: country, time of the day and devices. We can also limit the number of impressions per day per user.
How are the impressions distributed?
We try to distribute all impressions over a period of 24 hours. So, if you buy 240,000 daily impressions we will optimize to show 10,000 impressions every hour.
Where are my banners shown?
Everywhere! When there is a position available, we will show your banner. We do not guarantee any delivery on any specific website or app, except with targeted traffic, which is more expensive.
Which banner formats do you support?
We support a number of formats: 728x90, 468x60, 300x250, 320x250, 336x250, 320x100, 160x600, 120x600, 300x600 and some other formats. Every banner is liited to 200 kilobytes and can be either HTML or a JPG, PNG or GIF image.
Do you have a dashboard for me to log in to and see some progress?
Not yet, but we are working hard on this. We will report progress upon request.

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